Once again, we're left wondering how it is that weeks just fly by. To catch up a bit: March was fantastic! It started very slowly. Then just after we offered our Third Annual St Patty's Discount, things picked up and kept us very busy. Thank you to all of our "Irish" friends who stayed in March.
I think it's been said before but...April is my favorite month with all the flowers blooming, and grass and trees turning green. The aroma of the hyacinths is heavenly. The month is nearly over and the flowers are blooming everywhere. Our Cherry tree is all decked out in white petals, along with neighborhood Redbuds, Crabs and Dogwoods are just beginning to show blossoms. We have high hopes for the summer harvest of cherries, as we had not one single cherry mature last year. We'll look forward to baking them inside our signature muffins again this year!
As usual, there is a project (or 3) in the works. Our pond liner has come to the age of decay. These days, the material used for free-form ponds is much better than just 8 years ago. Unfortunately, we didn't have that material available when we built it in 2000, and have a leak or two in the liner. The sun and weather wreak havoc on such things. The rocks have been removed to expose the liner and the temporary pond is ready to hold the fish until the new liner is installed. We're hoping for the weather to cooperate so that the job can be done as soon as possible. Making the pond a bit bigger is on the to do list as well, and it is far too muddy now to dig. Certainly, the fish will appreciate their larger pond. An adjustment to the waterfall is in order as well. It should be even better when completed. We're also working on more landscaping changes/repairs. We have bushes to remove and things to plant. It will be rewarding next spring to see the result.
April occupancy has been very good. We'd like to thank all of our April guests for being a part of that success. To those whom we have not yet met, and former guests as well -- Don't miss out on some discounted rates for Last Minute reservations. Our Spring Special is soon to come to an end. Make your reservations for April dates and check to see what your discount may be. Only FIVE days left (4/25). Just click below.
It's Spring!! Click for special
Happy Spring!
Judy & Norm